important  dates

free open assessmentS

club notes




  • September 2, 2024 - Labor Day
  • October 16 - 18, 2024 - MEA Weekend 
  • ​October 31, 2024 - HALLOWEEN!
  • November 4, 2024 - General Election  
  • November 5, 2024 - General Election
  • November 27 - November 29, 2024 - Thanksgiving 




If you have a gymnast interested in beginning gymnastics or switching to LGBC, bring her in for a free assessment.  Our coaching staff will take your gymnast through a series of exercises for level placement in our program.  You will get to see our gym in action and meet the coaching staff.

Assessments are scheduled via email. 


We have renamed our Levels 3, 4, and 5 to Beginner I & II, Intermediate I, and Intermediate II. Beginner I will be beginner gymnasts ages 6 and under. Beginner II will be beginner gymnasts ages 7 and up. The classes remain the same with regards to class structure, content, and skill level. Only the names have changed! ​


Beginner classes have been split into two time slots.

Beginner I (Ages 5 and 6) will be from 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Beginner II (Ages 7 and up) will be from 7:00 PM to  8:15 PM


All session fees are due and payable by the first day of class/practice for each session.  Gymnasts will not be allowed to attend class/practice if payment has not been made. A $10 Insurance Fee and Processing Fee is built into to each level's price.

LGBC offers a 20% discount for each additional child of the same family enrolling in the program. 

A $25 Late Registration Fee will be assessed when registering your gymnast after the start of the session.  Online Registration opens one week before the beginning of each Session and will be posted on the website.  Registration closes one week after the Session begins and no gymnasts will be accepted after the close of Registration.

At this time, LGBC does not offer make up classes/practices to gymnasts who miss a class/practice due to illness, vacation or other commitments.  We do schedule make ups for classes/practices cancelled due to weather and unforeseen school closings.  LGBC will send out an email and/or post a notice on the gym doors if practice is canceled.  An email rescheduling a cancelled class will be sent to all affected families.

Gymnasts interested in LGBC are encouraged to attend an assessment to properly determine where they should be placed in the program.

Assessments will be scheduled via email communication with the program. Assessments take no more than 15 to 20 minutes. 

LGBC shares the gymnastics gym with the Lakeville North high school gymnastics team.  It is important to make sure the LGBC gymnasts DO NOT enter the gym until the high school gymnasts have concluded their practice and left the gym.  It is not safe for the LGBC gymnasts to be playing on equipment and inside the gym while the high school team is finishing practice.

There is NO FOOD allowed in the gym.  Water bottles are allowed and there is a drinking fountain just outside the gym, near the restrooms.

LGBC is not responsible for lost for stolen items left in the hallway outside the gym.  Please make sure your gymnast leaves all valuables at home.  There are other activities going on at the high school while we are in class/practice.

While LGBC aims to be accommodating to families, coaches may request that parents/siblings NOT sit in the gym during class/practice if it becomes distracting.  It is not safe for the gymnasts to be running back and forth between bleachers and events. 

LGBC gymnasts should come to class/practice dressed in a leotard.  This means no loose clothing or sweats.  Gymnasts should also have their hair tied back, and bring tennis shoes.

During the Winter Sessions of LGBC, families have a responsibility to sign up for volunteer score flashing/admission duties at Lakeville North Home Meets, Lakeville South Home Meets and the Lakeville Invite which take place during Winter Session.  Each family is asked to make themselves available to volunteer during at least one time during the High School Gymnastics Season.  

An online sign up forum will be used when Registration opens to fill these first come, first serve volunteer positions.

Volunteering is a big part of keeping our program running. We ask for 1-2 Adult Admission volunteers and 3-4 LGBC gymnast score flashing/running volunteers at each Home Meet.  Score flashers need to be at least 8 years old. We ask each LGBC family to make themselves available to volunteer at the Lakeville Invite each January to allow the parents of the high school gymnasts to be able to see their gymnast to compete at this amazing event.